Get a Complete Done For You Facebook and Instagram Ad Campaign For Only $97

(Instead of $997)

With this advertising campaign, you'll be able to attract more leads and customers automatically...

... without worrying about technicalities or spending hours trying to figure out how to create and optimize Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.

Our team will do ALL the work for you, creating your campaign in less than 7 days.

My offer is simple:

We'll create a professional Facebook and Instagram advertising campaign for you in less than 7 days.

Our team will write the ads, create the design, configure and optimize your ad account, and launch the ad campaign for you.

And that's not all!

We'll record the whole process step-by-step, so you can take control and be on your own.

You may be asking yourself:

"Why do we do all this for just $97?"

There are two reasons:

  • Reason #1 :

Facebook and Instagram ads are the most effective way of attracting customers. I see this on a daily basis with the entrepreneurs we work with, who manage to generate tens of thousands of dollars every month.

I'd like to share these strategies with as many entrepreneurs as possible because I know it's going to have a very positive impact on their businesses and their lives.

  • Reason #2 :

I hope that we provide you with as much value as possible, so that in the future you will consider joining my other coaching and consulting programs or calling on our services.

I firmly believe that providing value is the most effective way to build win-win relationships over the long term.

I must confess that I'm always delighted to see the results of our clients :

Are you in any of these situations?

  • Are you struggling to get your business off the ground despite your best efforts?

  • Do you feel like you're going in circles without ever moving forward?

  • You feel lost with all the opportunities you're always being offered.

  • You are stagnating in your business and you are unable to generate more sales.

  • Do you feel exhausted by the workload you have to do every day, without being able to enjoy the results of your hard work?

  • You can't attract enough customers?

  • Your sales are not stable, and you constantly live in fear of going out of business?

If any of these situations apply to you, know that I understand how you feel.

Because I've been there!

I understand the feeling of putting in every effort to launch a business, only to never achieve success.

Hello, my name is Nassim Zaidi, and I've been an online entrepreneur since 2014.

I got into entrepreneurship right from the beginning because I wanted to reclaim my freedom.

I wanted to be free to choose how I work, to have a bigger impact without having to sacrifice my personal life.

But the outcome was completely different...

I ended up working even harder without achieving tangible results.

I simply became a slave to my business.

How did I find myself in this situation?

The answer is simple:

By following the methods that can be found all over the internet, which involve:

❌ Creating a website, a blog, or a YouTube channel.

❌ Creating accounts on all social networks.

❌ Leaving dozens of comments on social media every day.

❌ Posting content on social media every day.

❌ Providing value "for free."

And then...

"Hoping" for customers to start flowing in...

If you've ever tried these methods, you know what kind of results they yield.

I noticed this during my first launch.

After months of hard work, publishing content, providing value "for free," I had finally managed to build a small email list of nearly 1000 people.

I felt like I was ready for my first launch.

I spent several days working on my launch campaign.

I sent the first email, and I waited.

Nothing happened.

I sent a second email, then a third one.

The result was very disappointing...

... I made 0 sales!!

I must admit that at that moment, I almost gave up.

I was starting to think, "Maybe this isn't for me."

But I could see that others were succeeding.

Perhaps they understood something that I didn't.

I made the decision not to give up and to learn how to do things correctly.

I started learning, testing, and mingling with successful entrepreneurs.

I'm not talking about small-time entrepreneurs earning a few hundred or thousand dollars per month, but rather people who have built million-dollar businesses.

Gradually, my sales skills improved, and so did my income.

However, there was one thing that made ALL the difference.

Successful businesses are built on effective, solid, and professional systems.

That was my first breakthrough.

It's about the system to attract prospects, convert them into clients, keep them engaged, and help them achieve results.

I began implementing these systems into my business.

The results didn't take long to show.

I started getting more and more clients, and I went from earning a few hundred dollars per month to several thousands, and then to tens of thousands of dollars EVERY month.

My life was never the same again.

I could finally travel, live in a beautiful apartment, in an incredible city...

And most importantly, I could make unforgettable connections.

Today, I am much more calm and confident about the future because I know that my business is built on solid and predictable foundations.

And believe me, THAT CHANGES everything!

But, there's even more...

I then taught these strategies to many of my clients who also achieved incredible results.

Over the past few years, I've had the opportunity to guide over 500 entrepreneurs in dozens of different markets. This includes:

Real estate, nutrition, weight loss, parenting, personal development, coaching, piano learning, fishing instruction, entrepreneurship, online business, art, productivity, stress management, and more.

These entrepreneurs now generate up to several hundred thousand sales per year on the internet.

The first thing we do each time is to launch a Facebook advertising campaign.

This is the system that allows them to attract customers completely automatically.

It's the key to the growth of every business.

More visibility = More clients = More revenue = More freedom

Maybe you are wondering...

Why is Facebook and Instagram advertising the most effective way to attract customers?

Facebook and Instagram grant you access to over 2 billion monthly users.

This means that no matter what you're selling, your customers are on Facebook.

Whether It's coaching, consulting, online courses, in-person training or services.

They're on Facebook.

But there's something even better...

You can target them at an incredibly low cost.

I know this because every month, millions of people are exposed to our ads.

This allows us to have thousands of people signing up for our email lists and converting hundreds into clients...

Every month.

Not to mention the brand development through the high exposure on Facebook.

And the most incredible part is...

You can make it so that it doesn't cost you a single penny out of your pocket.

You can ensure that it doesn't cost you a single cent out of your pocket.

You're probably wondering how this would be possible?

The answer is simple:

You start by initially using a very small budget to generate your first sales through advertising.

Then, you just reinvest the profits you make to reach more people and increase your visibility and customer base.

This is the method that allowed Gabriel, one of our clients, to go from 0 to $20k/month in just 6 months.

Or Michel, who multiplied his revenue by 5 and now achieves over $20k/month in revenue.

Whether it's Michel or Gabriel, neither of them had marketing or advertising experience.

What enabled them to achieve these results was implementing a proven and effective method.

Now, I have a question:

What if you could have a ready-to-use advertising campaign in less than 7 days?

Get your professional advertising campaign

In just 7 days, you can have a true client-generating machine that allows you to attract hundreds of clients per month.

This offer is drastically different from what you may have seen before because you will benefit from my 5 years of experience in creating and managing advertising campaigns, both for myself and my clients.

In fact, I wish I had the opportunity to have a similar offer when I first started, which would have saved me a significant amount of time and money.

By ordering your done-for-you advertising campaign today, you can learn from my experience and avoid making the same mistakes I did.

When developing this offer, I had only one goal in mind:

To enable you to obtain more prospects and clients within 7 days through Facebook advertising.

For this reason, our team will handle EVERYTHING for you, which includes:

  • Setting up and optimizing your advertising account

  • Installing the pixel

  • Crafting the advertisement

  • Creating the ad images and videos

We will also analyze your sales system and provide advice to optimize it and increase your conversion rate.

The goal is to help you take action to start attracting new clients quickly.

In fact, it's the same system I use with my elite clients, which has allowed us to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

Who is this advertising campaign for?

This advertising campaign is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs who want to accelerate the growth of their businesses, attract more customers, increase sales, and potentially multiply their revenue by 10 without sacrificing their personal and/or family lives.

It also caters to individuals who aim to quickly establish their online businesses without taking risks, relying on a proven methodology.

Here is what we will do for you:

Once your order is confirmed, you will receive an email to schedule an appointment with a consultant from our team. This consultation will help us understand your business, your offers, and your goals better, and gather the information we need for the creation of your advertising campaign.

Once we have all the necessary information, our team will proceed with the work, following these steps:

Step 1: Setting up and optimizing your advertising account (No more technical issues)

The first step involves configuring and optimizing your advertising account to ensure you achieve the best results with your advertising campaigns.

Here's everything we will do for you:

  • We will create your advertising account, your Facebook page, and your Instagram account.

  • We'll install the Facebook pixel and configure conversion APIs to effectively measure the results of your campaigns effectively .

  • We'll connect and verify your domain name for maximum credibility with your audience.

  • Create custom audiences so you can target them later

  • We will optimize your sales funnel to maximize your conversion

  • Help you create an irresistible offer and set the ideal price for your offer to generate maximum profits

  • Identify the deep desires and needs of your market to create impactful advertising (thanks to this method, you will increase your chances of success )

  • You won't have to do anything during this step, our team will take care of EVERYTHING.

Step 2: Preparing your ad campaign

Once your advertising account is configured and optimized, we will prepare the advertising campaign, write the advertising texts and create the visuals to promote your product or service.

During this step, we will:

  • Create an ad that does 90% of the work for you and frees up your time to focus on what you love to do.

  • Enable you to have a unique and magnetic positioning that will set you apart from ALL your competitors.

  • Quickly gain the trust of your prospects, even if they have just discovered you.

  • We will implement the most advanced techniques to BOOST your conversion rates and your results.

Step 3: Launching your advertising campaign

  • We will conduct research and identify 20 different target audiences to display your advertisement to. (You don't have to use all of them, but having options is better than relying on just one.)

  • The foolproof method that will help you build a golden reputation in your market and attract customers for FREE.

  • The secrets to accelerating your business growth to generate six-figure (or more) income rapidly.

  • The secrets to getting your prospects to take action and purchase in less than 24 hours.

  • Consistently attract dozens (or even hundreds) of new prospects every day.

  • We will show you how to avoid the mistakes made by 90% of advertisers on Facebook that limit profitability.

Wait !

That's not all...

By joining the program today, you will also receive

FREE 4 Bonuses worth $888:


A personalized strategy session with an expert from our team to help you accelerate the growth of your business.

(Value $197)


In order to further maximize your results, I have decided to offer you a personalized consultation with an expert from our team.

The purpose of this consultation is to take a closer look at your marketing strategy and to put in place a specific action plan to boost your sales and your income.

You will also gain access to additional and personalized marketing resources to accelerate your success.


Full and unlimited access to the training "Facebook Advertising Secrets" (over 6 hours of training).

(Value $497)


To empower you to be self-sufficient and boost your business through Facebook advertising, I've decided to include the "Facebook Advertising Secrets" training.

This is a comprehensive program with over 6 hours of videos where I will share with you the strategies that I wish I had known when I started and that would have saved me a lot of time and money.

You can learn from my experience and avoid making the same mistakes I did.

With this training, you'll have all the tools to master Facebook advertising and enhance your sales and revenue.


4 proven techniques to maximize your profitability on Facebook.

(Vale $97)


You will have access to a training module where I will share with you 4 powerful and proven techniques to maximize your profitability on Facebook.

These techniques are confidential and I typically only share them with our private coaching clients.

By subscribing to this offer today, you will have access to it for free.


9 psychological triggers to double your sales.

(Value $97)


Sales are primarily a matter of human psychology.

With Facebook & Instagram advertising, this becomes even more true.

That's why I'm offering you a training module where I will share with you the 9 psychological triggers to use on your sales pages and advertisements.

By implementing these strategies, you'll give a significant boost to your sales.

Here's how you can take advantage of this offer

The strategies we will use for your advertising campaign are the result of several years of research and testing across dozens of businesses in various niches.

These are also the results of hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in advertising out of my own pocket.

That's why our clients pay us a minimum of $997 per month to handle their advertising campaigns.

That's $11,964 per year.

You have certainly seen some testimonials of the incredible results they have been able to achieve as a result of this investment.

But I have something even better for you.

I want to provide you with maximum value and build a long-term "win-win" relationship that will benefit both of us.

It is for this reason that your investment to take advantage of this offer is not $997 per month.

it will not be $3000

Not even $997

The regular price for creating an advertising campaign is $997.

For a limited time, you can receive your advertising campaign, as well as all the bonuses for only:


(Limited offer to only one advertising

campaign per person/company)

Here are the results obtained by our customers:

This Offer will expire SOON!

Normal price: $997

Today only $97

(Limited offer to only one advertising

campaign per person/company)

Frequently asked Questions

Who is this offer for?

This offer is for entrepreneurs who want to boost their visibility and attract more prospects and customers through Facebook advertising.

Can I take advantage of this offer at any time?

Yes, but by taking advantage of the offer today, you get a discount of 900$ (90.27%) off the program's price. (This offer will only be available for a few days)

After how long can I access my advertising campaign?

Once you've confirmed your order, you'll be able to book an appointment with an expert from our team so that we can gather the necessary information for creating your campaign. Afterward, our team will create the various texts and visuals for the advertisement within the following 7 days.

Are you really going to create the advertising campaign for me?

Yes! Once the advertisements are ready, you will receive a link to schedule a Zoom call with a member of our team who will launch the campaign with you so that you can learn the entire process. We will then send you the recording so that you can easily launch your upcoming campaigns.

What budget would I need to launch my advertising campaigns?

The advertising budget varies from person to person, depending on your goals, income, and experience. However, you can launch your campaigns with a daily budget of 5 to 10 dollars, but the choice is yours.

This Offer will expire SOON!

Normal price: $997

Today only $97

(Limited offer to only one advertising

campaign per person/company)

P.S. Here's a quick recap of what you'll receive.

By taking advantage of this offer today, you will benefit from more than 90.28% reduction for only $97 instead of the normal price of $997 , and you'll receive your Facebook advertising campaign to boost your visibility and income.

To take advantage of this offer now, click the button below:

This Offer will expire SOON!

Normal price: $997

Today only $97

(Limited offer to only one advertising

campaign per person/company)

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. or Google Inc. Further, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way or by Google Inc. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. .


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WARNING: The sales figures indicated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and, in some cases, the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand that these results are not typical. We are not implying that you will duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how-to" information gets little or no results. We use these references only as examples. Your results will vary and will depend on many factors, including but not limited to, your background, experience, and work ethic. Every business involves risks as well as massive and consistent efforts and actions. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT BUY THIS PROGRAM.